Free Footed
Imagine sitting where your heels have hung,
Like maybe you swung different kinds of swings
And sometimes kicked your shoes off in the sun
To wiggle toes as though to point at things.
Yet other times edged on a railroad bridge,
Precarious shoelaces dangled down
Into the depths so far below the ledge
Which daring legs swung back and forth upon.
Or riding someone’s shoulders also might
Have been a place you splayed toes above ground,
Depending on how much you held on tight
To keep from tumbling as you played around.
Those footloose freedoms, few and far between,
Still figured in the balance that you beamed.
David L Williams, raised and currently living in Nebraska, enjoys having memorized many famous poems over the years. He particularly loves sonnets, and once wrote a thesis on Robert Frosts’. For 34 years, poetry figured heavily in the high school English classes he taught. Now retired, David cherishes more time for writing and rounding out his life-long passion for literature of many kinds.