Jungian Archetypes & Extra Credit

By Khushi Ko


Jungian Archetypes

Q. Based on your understanding of the topic, explain your understanding of the term ‘primordial images.’

I have to admit
that I’ve let a rotten tomato
nest itself in my home.
I have to admit
that it’s nestled in between
all of my apples and all of my pears
where my cat would preen
in the sunlight—if only i had a cat.
The tomato has been here
for many summers now—
festering—its surface a flat
and fuzzy bed
inviting fruit flies
into my home.
It used to be red—
aeons ago—when the sky
shone cerulean and 
the sun
gleamed up high
(aeons ago—
i was vibrant)

An heirloom
tomato sits on my low
rising, mosaic covered table— like it sat
on my mother’s bookshelf,
on her mother’s palette.

The rotten tomato
sits inconspicuously on the dining table
nestled between all of my apples and all of my pears.

Extra Credit

Select the correct option to answer the given questions.

Do you let yourself rot?
[     ] store yourself in the attic—
[     ] let the rats teethe on your intestines—
[     ] invite in the vultures before your blood can clot?

Did I let myself rot?
[     ] flung my warmth onto the ground—
[     ] as prometheus wailed—
[     ] this is the reality i sought

Do I exist?
[     ] like a rotting tomato—
[     ] sitting inconspicuously on the dining table—
[     ] primordial 


Khushi Ko is an Indo-Korean poet, writer & student who doesn’t believe in the concept of static personhood. She can presently be found in India—in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.


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