Talent Show Auditions


By Bruce McRae


Next is a comedian
who simply stands there sobbing.
A stagehand leads him away.

Then, a juggler of the invisible.
Either a con, or utter genius.

A singer only dogs can hear.

A magician, minus any magic.

The mute thespian,
his monologue of clicks and whistles.
We thank him for coming.

Lastly, after a trying day,
a woman who only glares at us,
her anger palpable,
our personal lives in disarray.
All kinds of trouble brewing.


Bruce McRae, a Canadian musician and multiple Pushcart nominee, has had work appear in hundreds of publications around the world. The winner of the 2020 Libretto Chapbook Prize (20 Sonnets), his books include The So-Called Sonnets; An Unbecoming Fit Of Frenzy; Like As If; All Right Already and Hearsay.


The Snake


From… The Shapes the Hours Assume