Wild Geese on a Pond & Other Poems

By Carol Casey


Wild Geese on a Pond

Quiet flotilla, a stir, a honk the answer, cacophony small traffic jam in Bangkok.The rise             simultaneous,             …

The Whisper

A whisper startles the frozen womb of winter 
as a probing root meets a small spot of moisture, 
sighs open a thirsty mouth to draw in, up through 
minuscule spongy caverns that pass the slight rustle 
along subterranean fibres. The microbiome rouses, 
transmits electric impulses throughout the forest base. 

The whisper spreads through mysterious passages till 
the network is ablaze, tingles with subtle stirrings; 
spreads skyward, finds pathways to light till the tree 
is awash to the tips of branches. Secret swellings weave 
green streamers of surrender to the sun, saturate, 
celebrate the bliss of chlorophyll.


The sunlight on the porch 
has found a filament to play, 
a tiny light bobs here, then there, 
widening, narrowing 
on invisible currents 
like an incandescent ball thrown 
and caught that sometimes 
becomes the net 
then unfurls into a 
photon straining
to break out in colour.  

I’m entangled in the cunning 
of a handiwork that catches 
sun, water, victim 
in simple gossamer. 
Sometimes it’s the beauty 
other times the cruelty, 
or hairy legs crawling, 
or patient waiting, 
unflagging industry, 
or the unfailing rhythm 
life, beauty, death.


Carol Casey lives in Blyth, Ontario, Canada. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Leaf, The Prairie Journal, Synaeresis and others, including a number of anthologies, most recently, Much Madness, Divinest Sense, Tending the Fire and i am what becomes of broken branch.


A Mockingbird Sings at Night


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