Between the Stars and the Night


By Richard LeDue

Our air conditioner chases away the heat
like a scared cat,
maybe out the front door 
and up a tree
or under the couch,
next to yesterday’s socks-
I just listen to the reassuring hum,
imagine that’s how death sounds
when someone panics,
soothing them into accepting
their place between the stars- 
my step grandfather
cursed us in French for taking home
the bigger fan that summer,
hospital hot enough that death
probably wore flip-flops,
and after the funeral, 
black flies in the cemetery 
reminded us we were still alive,
sweating under collared shirts and black ties.


Richard LeDue was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, but currently lives in Norway House, Manitoba with his wife and son. His poems have appeared in various publications throughout 2019, and more work is forthcoming throughout 2020, including a chapbook from Kelsey Books.




The Pond